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Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 7: Aggregate

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 7: Aggregate published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 7: Aggregate

The gang’s suddenly gotten big again, and Orson tries to explain why he’s okay with it this time. Also, Link gets his turn on the Ugh Wagon.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

We also have really cool books and merch for sale over in our online shop. Go check it out today!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 6: Reinforcement

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 6: Reinforcement published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 6: Reinforcement

Audrey and Markesha share a moment on the radio, interrupted predictably by Link.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

We also have really cool books and merch for sale over in our online shop. Go check it out today!

10 Years!

10 Years! published on No Comments on 10 Years!

Hi all! This week, Thursday to be exact, we are crossing an amazing milestone. A full decade ago we launched Act 0 of Episode 1 here in it’s entirety. We’d been working on Kamikaze as a series concept for nearly 2 years before that, after casually developing the idea for nearly eight years before even that. While we definitely knew what we wanted to do with the story, we had very little experience (none in fact) making a weekly webcomic.

Launching the comic on July 25th 2014 lit a fuse on a rocket we hoped would take us amazing places, and at the very least not detonate on the launch pad. Take us places, it has! In the past ten years we’ve won awards, made an animated short, printed books to send around the globe, and traveled to some amazing events to share the Kamikaze story. But by far, the best places this project has taken us is to discover and meet fans and supporters. The support we’ve received over the years has been truly humbling, and it’s genuinely true we wouldn’t be doing it without you. Whether you support the Kickstarters, comment regularly, boost our social posts, swing by our convention tables, or just lurk and read, we thank you deeply.

We don’t know exactly where this rocket is headed next, but we’re massively grateful for everyone who’s along for the ride. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and here’s to more years of Kamikaze to come!

If you’d like to help support the project financially, check out our Patreon, our Online Shop, or our Digital Downloads. Your support helps keep the lights on, and every little bit helps!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 5: Capability

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 5: Capability published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 5: Capability

Miss a death-defying escape attempt, miss a lot!

After a certain hour, Audrey just stops trying to understand English colloquialisms and just rolls with it.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

We also have really cool books and merch for sale over in our online shop. Go check it out today!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 4: Time to Shine

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 4: Time to Shine published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 4: Time to Shine

The flood waters are rising, but Julian and Ritch can’t lift the fallen structure to save the trapped family. If only there was someone who could lighten the load…

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

Hiatus: Thanks PortCon!

Hiatus: Thanks PortCon! published on No Comments on Hiatus: Thanks PortCon!

Thanks for a great weekend, PortCon! We’re on break this week while we cook up the next installment of Kamikaze!

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 3: Tipping Point

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 3: Tipping Point published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 3: Tipping Point

With an emergency unfolding, Markesha leaps into action! Orson however, has some quick pointers.


Buildings in Outer Trinity aren’t so much planned, so much as they are improvised. As needs shift, materials become available, or neighborly relations evolve, the buildings are adapted in response. Street merchants who find a workable spot may often graft a permanent booth onto the side of a structure. This is generally done with loose consent from the building occupants. These booths are just as improvised as the buildings they’re attached to, and sometimes booth maintenance is deferred indefinitely until entropy renders maintenance a moot point.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 2: Risk Profile

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 2: Risk Profile published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 2: Risk Profile

Julian and Ritch are somewhat at odds over Ritch volunteering to help out Orson and Markesha. Also, it’s still a hurricane.

TRU has had a rocky history with the Inner City. While some Houses in the past supported TRU’s stated goals of improved welfare for Outer Trinity residents, the group has just as often been cast as a terrorist faction sponsored by hostile foreign powers. This has resulted in harsh crackdowns on the organization, leading the group in recent years to stay as far from the limelight as possible.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 1: Lights in the Dark

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 1: Lights in the Dark published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 1: Lights in the Dark

Episode 4, Act 3 Start! Power’s out at the Nin residence, and Link’s dead-set on not getting fired. Meanwhile Orson and Markesha follow their suddenly very argumentative companions to promised safety.


Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

Episode 4 Act 3 Cover

Episode 4 Act 3 Cover published on No Comments on Episode 4 Act 3 Cover

Act 3, Coming Alarmingly Soon!


Don’t forget to check out our newly updated online shop for some amazing new merch! >>


Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

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