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Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 17: Alternative Power

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 17: Alternative Power published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 17: Alternative Power

The power’s out, Julian is panicking, and Markesha has an idea on how to fix the situation. Orson might not be 100% on board, but that’s not going to slow her down.

Due to fears of another outbreak of the Withering virus, Trinity has banned the cultivation of vegetation of any kind in its sphere of influence. Whether these fears are well founded or not tends to take back seat to the fact it’s hard to grow anything at all in the conditions outside the Wall. Doing that and doing it while avoiding detection is considered next to impossible.

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Holiday Sale?! Holiday Sale

Holiday Sale?! Holiday Sale published on No Comments on Holiday Sale?! Holiday Sale

Oh No! It’s that time of year again! Announcing the 2024 Holiday Sales. That’s right, TWO of them.

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Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 16: Par For The Course

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 16: Par For The Course published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 16: Par For The Course

Don’t you just hate it when the strange people you just met *also* have pressing problems, and now they’re also somehow your pressing problems?

Given the low reliability and patchwork nature of Outer Trinity’s power grid, many larger buildings in the outer city have dedicated battery banks to tide them over during outages. Sometimes they’re adequately sized, other times they’re not equipped to handle periods of high demand.

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Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 15: Unification

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 15: Unification published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 15: Unification

Ritch and Julian get a warm welcome from Benny and the rest of the meeting attendees. The question of how they escaped leads to some slightly awkward introductions!

We’re back. We’re angry, sad, and committed to doing what we can, but we’re back. Stories about people doing their best in dangerous worlds seem awfully relevant right now.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

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Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 14: Benny

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 14: Benny published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 14: Benny

At long last, the mysterious friend of Julian and Ritch!

Many pieces of outmoded tech from Inner Trinity finds itself dumped in Outer Trinity. This has occasionally included entire intact security bots, halves of security bots, and heavily perforated metal which used to be security bots.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

We also have really cool books and merch for sale over in our online shop. Go check it out today!

Hiatus – The Brochure Looks Nice

Hiatus – The Brochure Looks Nice published on No Comments on Hiatus – The Brochure Looks Nice

Hey kid, wanna join a cult?

The Cult of Redemption (or as they prefer to be called, the Blessed Community of Redeemers) recruits from those struggling in and around Trinity. Given the marginal existence of most Outer Trinity residents, there’s a steady stream of potential inductees looking for a warm meal and some stability. Perhaps surprisingly, a minority of Redeemers are previous residents of the Halo. These individuals often gravitate towards the cult seeking a welcoming community beyond the rigid House social structure inside the Wall.

Are you a returning reader? Get caught up on the story by visiting the Comic Archive.

Want to support the comic? Become a Patron! We’ve been making Kamikaze since 2014, and fan support is what keeps us going!

We also have really cool books and merch for sale over in our online shop. Go check it out today!

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 12: Redemption Gate

Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 12: Redemption Gate published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 3 Page 12: Redemption Gate

Secret passphrases! A compound full of nervous, armed civilians! Just another stormy night in Outer Trinity!

The Cult of Redemption is not recognized as an actual religion by Inner Trinity, but its presence is tolerated for its usefulness. The religious sect acts as a clearinghouse of sorts for salvaged items from Pre-Withering ruins. Preaching redemption through service for the unwanted, Redeemers have a reputation for being peaceful, industrious, if sometimes obnoxious neighbors. There are rumors, largely unsubstantiated, that TRU may use the Cult of Redemption as a cover for some of their operations.

Hiatus – Helping Hands

Hiatus – Helping Hands published on No Comments on Hiatus – Helping Hands

We’re on hiatus to spread some support for those devastated by Hurricane Helene. This week we’re featuring three organizations providing aid to the victims of Hurricane Helene. We’re strongest when we work together!

Operation Airdrop
Airlifting crucial supplies and equipment to areas cut off from the outside world.

CERF+ (Craft Emergency Relief Fund)
Providing emergency relief for craft artists.

Providing medical supplies and helping to rebuild the medical systems in the wake of the storm.

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